Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Have you heard about hotdog eating contest? If you one of a contestant, how much did you could ate? Actually the hotdog eating contest begin on the Fourth of July for International Hot Dog Eating Contest that has been held at Nathan’s Famous on the corner of Surf and Stillwell avenues in Coney Island each year since 1916, according to legend. For the 2007 hotdog eating contest, Joey Chestnut wins and beats his own world record by eating 66 Hotdogs & Buns in 12 minutes! Honestly, I only could eat two hotdogs, not more than that. So, can we imagine how he did it? Hence, for the people that like to eat hotdog, you could try to eat as much as you can. But, don’t blame me if you vomit out it back! For the people who don’t have capabilities to do this, please don’t try it.

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